It has been a busy week mostly of homeschooling, teaching at the seminary, and meeting up with friends old and new. It would be lovely to have a photographer follow us around so we could capture all the best moments. For now this will have to do.
The week in photos-

The kids have been keeping watch from the 10th floor for a monitor lizard, and yesterday they finally found one- "Quick! Get the camera!". Brandon managed a photo right before it dissapeared in the jungle. |
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When you don't have much space, you make do. Cameron and a little friend from Korea, and another one from Australia, have been playing football (soccer) in the hallway of the tenth floor. When I come out to check on him, his chest puffs up with pride as he points at me with his thumb - "That's my Mom". 'Love that little guy.
If you don't mind your lunch staring at you, this is the best deal- for RM 1 (around 30 US cents) ....Spicy coconut rice with a fishie on top. Actually very delicious. >>>
>>Watching the rainstorm come in-This is quite an experience when you are right at the sea on the 10th floor. | <><><><> >>>>