Thursday, September 29, 2011

77 days to go

Right now we are:

*Packing to leave for Brunei eeeeaaaarly in the morning.
*Hoping to catch a glimpse of the sultan in Brunei but it's not likely.
*Starting to miss home in America just a tiny bit.
*Finished teaching for the week; gearing up for teaching in Brunei.
*Feeling spicy dinners in the pits of our stomachs.
*Loving meeting with friends and pretending we never did leave here.
*Enjoying (secretly) driving aggresively and defensively.
*Thinking I'm not such a good blogger but hope you get the idea of what's up here.
*Really thankful for the grace of God in our every day lives.
*Overwhelmed (some days) with thankfulness, and also a little stress here and there (like living on the 10th floor of a building with four kids).

As always thanks for visiting and "living it with us" for a few moments.

You've already seen a few sunsets on this blog, but I can't help it- just look at those gorgeous colors.

This photo is for my soy-growing Dad in Canada. Out of your soybeans they make delicious desserts. (Toafu Fah)
How cool is that to sit with Malaysian friends and eat soybean desserts from my Dad's (ok, possibly from Dad's farm) farm.